In Memory of






Condolence From: Wilson & Sandy
Condolence: We are so sorry to hear of Mr. Prices passing. He was a great guy! Best supervisor Stockton has ever had! Our condolences!
Wednesday January 04, 2017
Condolence From: Jack Lee
Condolence: Had the pleasure of working with Jim at Trump Plaza he was a fair man,good at his job and a pleasure to work with! He and his family will be in my prayers tonight !
Tuesday January 03, 2017
Condolence From: Lori Begtrup
Condolence: I will surely miss Mr Price coming to our office, he was always so pleasant and generous with giving us 2 boxes of Dunkin Donuts ! One for the girls and one for the patients. We will miss you Jim ! Rest in Paradise till we meet again. Lori Begtrup
Tuesday January 03, 2017
Condolence From: Betty & Bill Hewitt
Condolence: Many prayers are being sent to Jim's family at this difficult time. Jim was a dear friend since 4th grade. We reconnected through Facebook and it was so good to talk to him daily. He will be missed but he is out of his pain and is with our Lord. Rest in peace dear friend.
Sunday January 01, 2017
Condolence From: Kim Deppe
Condolence: Pam, Jim, BJ & Jess, Sending our deepest condolences along with hugs and love as you go through this very difficult time. Your Dad was special to so many people, including my parents, me & Lou, Alex & Andrew. From teaching Alex how to spit watermelon seeds to helping my Dad get to the doctor, Uncle Jim was a valuable and loving part of our family. No words can make your grief better, I know, but I hope you know that we share in that grief. Love, Kim
Saturday December 31, 2016